The  MS-DOS  5.0
Floppy Disk Boot Record
 (on a 1200 KiB floppy diskette)

Web Presentation and Text are Copyright©2003-2021 by Daniel B. Sedory
NOT to be reproduced in any form without Permission of the Author !


Since floppy disks never have an MBR, the first sector of any diskette (that's Absolute Sector 0 or CHS 0,0,1) normally contains the Boot Record for some OS. And since they are floppy disks, you'll most likely read about Tracks (instead of Cylinders) and Sides (instead of Heads) when dealing with them. These terms seem to make more sense, since you can actually hold the removable media in your hands and easily observe that the jacket (or hard plastic shell) contains a circular disc having two sides, without ever having to think about the heads or any other mechanical parts inside a floppy drive.


Disk Editor View

This section is a disk editor view of the MS-DOS 5.0 Boot Record on a 1200 KiB Floppy Diskette; often (incorrectly) called a 1.2 mb floppy.

The bytes between the    two dark blue bands    (from offsets 00Bh through 03Dh) are referred to as the BPB (or BIOS Parameter Block); a detailed explanation of the BPB is found below.

      Most of the Boot Record is executable code; from offsets 03Eh through 19Dh. The code is followed by one long error message and the two system file names IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS as:  IO      SYS and MSDOS   SYS. Finally, the sector ends with the Word-sized signature ID (or Magic number) of AA55 hex (the hex Words for Intel x86 type CPUs are stored in Memory with the Lowest-byte first and the Highest-byte last to make processing quicker).

   Sector 0 (Track 0, Side 0, Sector 1)       BPB       OEM System Name
                                               |              |
       0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D| E  F         |
                                               |              |
0000  EB 3C 90 4D 53 44 4F 53 35 2E 30 00 02 01 01 00  .<.MSDOS5.0.....
0010  02 E0 00 60 09 F9 07 00 0F 00 02 00 00 00 00 00  ...`............
0020  00 00 00 00 00 00 29 FC 18 52 21 4E 4F 20 4E 41  ......)..R!NO NA
0030  4D 45 20 20 20 20 46 41 54 31 32 20 20 20 FA 33  ME    FAT12   .3
0040  C0 8E D0 BC 00 7C 16 07 BB 78 00 36 C5 37 1E 56  .....|...x.6.7.V
0050  16 53 BF 3E 7C B9 0B 00 FC F3 A4 06 1F C6 45 FE  .S.>|.........E.
0060  0F 8B 0E 18 7C 88 4D F9 89 47 02 C7 07 3E 7C FB  ....|.M..G...>|.
0070  CD 13 72 79 33 C0 39 06 13 7C 74 08 8B 0E 13 7C  ..ry3.9..|t....|
0080  89 0E 20 7C A0 10 7C F7 26 16 7C 03 06 1C 7C 13  .. |..|.&.|...|.
0090  16 1E 7C 03 06 0E 7C 83 D2 00 A3 50 7C 89 16 52  ..|...|....P|..R
00A0  7C A3 49 7C 89 16 4B 7C B8 20 00 F7 26 11 7C 8B  |.I|..K|. ..&.|.
00B0  1E 0B 7C 03 C3 48 F7 F3 01 06 49 7C 83 16 4B 7C  ..|..H....I|..K|
00C0  00 BB 00 05 8B 16 52 7C A1 50 7C E8 92 00 72 1D  ......R|.P|...r.
00D0  B0 01 E8 AC 00 72 16 8B FB B9 0B 00 BE E6 7D F3  .....r........}.
00E0  A6 75 0A 8D 7F 20 B9 0B 00 F3 A6 74 18 BE 9E 7D  .u... .....t...}
00F0  E8 5F 00 33 C0 CD 16 5E 1F 8F 04 8F 44 02 CD 19  ._.3...^....D...
0100  58 58 58 EB E8 8B 47 1A 48 48 8A 1E 0D 7C 32 FF  XXX...G.HH...|2.
0110  F7 E3 03 06 49 7C 13 16 4B 7C BB 00 07 B9 03 00  ....I|..K|......
0120  50 52 51 E8 3A 00 72 D8 B0 01 E8 54 00 59 5A 58  PRQ.:.r....T.YZX
0130  72 BB 05 01 00 83 D2 00 03 1E 0B 7C E2 E2 8A 2E  r..........|....
0140  15 7C 8A 16 24 7C 8B 1E 49 7C A1 4B 7C EA 00 00  .|..$|..I|.K|...
0150  70 00 AC 0A C0 74 29 B4 0E BB 07 00 CD 10 EB F2  p....t).........
0160  3B 16 18 7C 73 19 F7 36 18 7C FE C2 88 16 4F 7C  ;..|s..6.|....O|
0170  33 D2 F7 36 1A 7C 88 16 25 7C A3 4D 7C F8 C3 F9  3..6.|..%|.M|...
0180  C3 B4 02 8B 16 4D 7C B1 06 D2 E6 0A 36 4F 7C 8B  .....M|.....6O|.
0190  CA 86 E9 8A 16 24 7C 8A 36 25 7C CD 13 C3 0D 0A  .....$|.6%|.....
01A0  4E 6F 6E 2D 53 79 73 74 65 6D 20 64 69 73 6B 20  Non-System disk 
01B0  6F 72 20 64 69 73 6B 20 65 72 72 6F 72 0D 0A 52  or disk error..R
01C0  65 70 6C 61 63 65 20 61 6E 64 20 70 72 65 73 73  eplace and press
01D0  20 61 6E 79 20 6B 65 79 20 77 68 65 6E 20 72 65   any key when re
01E0  61 64 79 0D 0A 00 49 4F 20 20 20 20 20 20 53 59  ady...IO      SY
01F0  53 4D 53 44 4F 53 20 20 20 53 59 53 00 00 55 AA  SMSDOS   SYS..U.

       0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F

The BIOS Parameter Block

        0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F

  0B:                                   00 02 01 01 00              .....
  10:  02 E0 00 60 09 F9 07 00 0F 00 02 00 00 00 00 00   ...`............
  20:  00 00 00 00 00 00 29 FC 18 52 21 4E 4F 20 4E 41   ......)..R!NO NA
  30:  4D 45 20 20 20 20 46 41 54 31 32 20 20 20         ME    FAT12    

 Hex    As seen
OFFSET  on Disk  HEX value               Meaning / Description
------  -------  ---------   -----------------------------------------------
 0B-0C   00 02     0200h =    512 Bytes per Sector,
    0D      01       01h =      1 Sector per Cluster,
 0E-0F   01 00     0001h =      1 Reserved sector (starting at Sector 0),
    10      02       02h =      2 FATs on the diskette,
 11-12   E0 00     00E0h =    224 possible Root Directory entries,
 13-14   60 09     0960h =   2400 Total Sectors on the diskette
                            (2400 x 512 = 1,228,800 bytes total; 1200 KiB),

    15      F9          =>         Media Descriptor Byte:  F9  means this is
                             either a Double-Sided diskette with  15 Sectors
                             per Track, or a Double-Sided (720 KiB) diskette
                             with only 9 Sectors per Track!  ( Obviously you
                             need more info than just this one byte to know
                             for sure what type and capacity it is. Perhaps
                             this fact signaled the end of its usefulness.*)

 16-17   07 00     0007h =      7 Sectors per FAT,
 18-19   0F 00     000Fh =     15 Sectors per Track,
 1A-1B   02 00     0002h =      2 Sides (or Heads).

 1C-1F   00 00 00 00    =>    See the text below (must be all zero bytes).
 20-23   00 00 00 00    =>    See the text below (must be all zero bytes).
 24-25   00 00          =>       “Reserved”   (should both be zero bytes).

    26     29           =>   Extended BPB Signature Byte (if present, then
                             the following strings will also have meaning):

 27-2A    xx xx xx xx    =   Volume Serial Number [Example: "FC 18 52 21"]
 2B-35    (11 bytes)     =   Volume Label    [Often: "NO NAME    "]
 36-3D    ( 8 bytes)     =   File System ID [Should be: "FAT12   "]
                             (See comments on this below.)

 * FF=DS,8 SPT (a 320 KiB); FE=SS,8 SPT (a 160 KiB); FD=DS,9 SPT (a 360 KiB);
   FC=SS,9 SPT (180 KiB); F9 = DS,HD,9 SPT (720 KiB) or DS,HD,15 SPT (1200 KiB).
  ( As noted above, since F9 can mean either of these last two diskette types,
    it became far less useful for identifying the type of diskette in use.)


Examination of the Code

Note: Listing still needs
many more comments!

The first sector of the floppy disk is copied into Memory at location 0000:7C00 by a "bootstrap" routine in the computer's BIOS chip.

7C00 EB3C          JMP     7C3E          ; Jump over the BPB.
7C02 90            NOP                   ; Do nothing.

               OEM string and BIOS Parameter Block Data
       0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F

7C03           4D 53 44 4F 53 35 2E 30 00 02 01 01 00     MSDOS5.0.....
7C10  02 E0 00 60 09 F9 07 00 0F 00 02 00 00 00 00 00  ...`............
7C20  00 00 00 00 00 00 29 FC 18 52 21 4E 4F 20 4E 41  ......)..R!NO NA
7C30  4D 45 20 20 20 20 46 41 54 31 32 20 20 20        ME    FAT12   

       0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F

7C3E FA            CLI               ; Disable maskable Interrupts
7C3F 33C0          XOR	AX,AX        ; Zero-out the Accumulator and set
7C41 8ED0          MOV	SS,AX        ;  Stack Segment register to ZERO.
7C43 BC007C        MOV	SP,7C00      ; Stack Pointer top now 0000:7C00
7C46 16            PUSH	SS           ;|
7C47 07            POP	ES           ;|Makes sure Extra Segment = ZERO.

; The following code copies data from the Diskette Drive Parameters Table (which
; a far pointer (Segment:Offset) in the Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) at 0:0078
; points to) into Memory locations 7C3E thru 7C48 for later use here; thus,
; overwriting the first 11 bytes of this Boot Sector's own code in Memory:

7C48 BB7800        MOV	BX,0078      ; 0078h ---> BX
7C4B 36C537        LDS	SI,[SS:BX]   ; SS is still zero...
                                     ; Load Far Pointer from [SS:0078]
                                     ; into DS:SI  (usually 0000:0522).
7C4E 1E            PUSH	DS
7C4F 56            PUSH	SI
7C50 16            PUSH	SS
7C51 53            PUSH	BX

; The following four instructions will overwrite 11 code bytes starting at 7C3Eh:

7C52 BF3E7C        MOV	DI,7C3E      ; First Memory addres to overwrite.
7C55 B90B00        MOV	CX,000B      ; Copy CX (0Bh = 11) bytes from ...
7C58 FC            CLD               ; Clear Direction Flag (df=0).
7C59 F3A4          REP	MOVSB        ; ... DS:SI to ES:DI (0000:7C3E) and
                                     ; following; DI will increase to 7C49
                                     ; before REP MOVSB stops copy process.

7C5B 06            PUSH    ES                   ; ES = zero.
7C5C 1F            POP     DS                   ; Data Segment set to ZERO.
7C5D C645FE0F      MOV     BYTE PTR [DI-02],0F  ; 0Fh ---> [7C47].
7C61 8B0E187C      MOV     CX,[7C18]            ; Copy SPT ([7C18]) into CX
7C65 884DF9        MOV     [DI-07],CL           ; Sectors/Track --> [7C42].

; The next two instructions set the Diskette Parameters Table SEG:OFF vector
; at [0:0078] from the original vector of 0000:0522 to our 0000:7C3E address,
; so any DPT look-ups will access the data created here instead:

7C68 894702        MOV     [BX+02],AX           ; 0000 --> [0:007A]
7C6B C7073E7C      MOV     WORD PTR [BX],7C3E   ; 7C3E --> [0:0078]

7C6F FB            STI               ; Enable maskable Interrupts
                                     ; after the next instruction.
;	AH = 00h
;	DL = drive (if bit 7 is set both hard disks and floppy disks reset)
; Return: AH = status (see #00234)
;	CF clear if successful (returned AH=00h)
;	CF set on error
7C70 CD13          INT     13
7C72 7279          JC	   7CED          ; If CF set, there's a disk error,
                                         ; so jump to Error Msg. routine!

7C74 33C0          XOR     AX,AX
7C76 3906137C      CMP     [7C13],AX
7C7A 7408          JZ      7C84
7C7C 8B0E137C      MOV     CX,[7C13]        ; [7C13] = Total Sectors 
                                            ; 960h = 2400 sectors.
7C80 890E207C      MOV     [7C20],CX
7C84 A0107C        MOV     AL,[7C10]        ; FAT12 File System has two FATs
7C87 F726167C      MUL     WORD PTR [7C16]  ; of 7 sectors each, plus...
7C8B 03061C7C      ADD     AX,[7C1C]        ; zero (no "Hidden sectors"!)
7C8F 13161E7C      ADC     DX,[7C1E]
7C93 03060E7C      ADD     AX,[7C0E]        ; 1 Reserved sector (VBR itself)
7C97 83D200        ADC     DX,+00
7C9A A3507C        MOV     [7C50],AX
7C9D 8916527C      MOV     [7C52],DX
7CA1 A3497C        MOV     [7C49],AX
7CA4 89164B7C      MOV     [7C4B],DX

7CA8 B82000        MOV     AX,0020          ; 20h = 32 bytes per Directory entry
7CAB F726117C      MUL     WORD PTR [7C11]  ; [7C11] contains number of possible
                                            ;  Root Directory entries (224).

; So, AX now contains: 1C00 hex (32 x 224 = 7,168 bytes used by Root Directory).

7CAF 8B1E0B7C      MOV     BX,[7C0B]        ; [7C0B] is 512 Bytes per Sector.
7CB3 03C3          ADD     AX,BX            ; Add 1 more sector in bytes.
7CB5 48            DEC     AX               ; Subtract 1 byte.
7CB6 F7F3          DIV     BX               ; Divide by 512 to get sectors.
7CB8 0106497C      ADD     [7C49],AX
7CBC 83164B7C00    ADC     WORD PTR [7C4B],+00
7CC1 BB0005        MOV     BX,0500          ; 500h = 1,280
7CC4 8B16527C      MOV     DX,[7C52]
7CC8 A1507C        MOV     AX,[7C50]
7CCB E89200        CALL    7D60             ; Convert Absolute Sector to CHS tuple
7CCE 721D          JB      7CED
7CD0 B001          MOV     AL,01            ; Read only 1 sector
7CD2 E8AC00        CALL    7D81             ; -> Read Sector
7CD5 7216          JB      7CED
7CD7 8BFB          MOV     DI,BX
7CD9 B90B00        MOV     CX,000B          ; 11 characters per file name.
7CDC BEE67D        MOV     SI,7DE6          ; Points to: IO      SYS
7CDF F3            REPZ
7CE0 A6            CMPSB                    ; Compare  "IO.SYS"  name  to
                          ; first file name in Root Directory of diskette.

7CE1 750A          JNZ     7CED             ; If not identical, there's a
                                   ; disk error or it's not a System disk!

; Now check if "MSDOS.SYS" is the second file in the Root Directory:

7CE3 8D7F20        LEA     DI,[BX+20]       ; Points to: MSDOS   SYS
7CE6 B90B00        MOV     CX,000B
7CE9 F3            REPZ
7CEA A6            CMPSB
7CEB 7418          JZ      7D05

; Error Routine
7CED BE9E7D        MOV     SI,7D9E          ; Points to Error Message 
7CF0 E85F00        CALL    7D52             ; Display Character String
7CF3 33C0          XOR     AX,AX
7CF5 CD16          INT     16               ; Get Keystroke from Keyboard

7CF7 5E            POP     SI
7CF8 1F            POP     DS
7CF9 8F04          POP     [SI]
7CFB 8F4402        POP     [SI+02]
7CFE CD19          INT     19               ; If a key was pressed, then
                                            ;   Start over again with
                                            ;   System BOOTSTRAP LOADER.

7D00 58            POP     AX
7D01 58            POP     AX
7D02 58            POP     AX
7D03 EBE8          JMP     7CED

7D05 8B471A        MOV     AX,[BX+1A]
7D08 48            DEC     AX
7D09 48            DEC     AX
7D0A 8A1E0D7C      MOV     BL,[7C0D]
7D0E 32FF          XOR     BH,BH
7D10 F7E3          MUL     BX
7D12 0306497C      ADD     AX,[7C49]
7D16 13164B7C      ADC     DX,[7C4B]
7D1A BB0007        MOV     BX,0700
7D1D B90300        MOV     CX,0003

7D20 50            PUSH    AX
7D21 52            PUSH    DX
7D22 51            PUSH    CX
7D23 E83A00        CALL    7D60             ; Convert Absolute Sector to CHS tuple
7D26 72D8          JB      7D00             ; If there was an error,

7D28 B001          MOV     AL,01            ; Read only 1 sector
7D2A E85400        CALL    7D81             ; -> Read Sector
7D2D 59            POP     CX
7D2E 5A            POP     DX
7D2F 58            POP     AX
7D30 72BB          JB      7CED             ; If there was an error
7D32 050100        ADD     AX,0001
7D35 83D200        ADC     DX,+00
7D38 031E0B7C      ADD     BX,[7C0B]
7D3C E2E2          LOOP    7D20             ; Loop until OS Init is in Memory

7D3E 8A2E157C      MOV     CH,[7C15]
7D42 8A16247C      MOV     DL,[7C24]
7D46 8B1E497C      MOV     BX,[7C49]
7D4A A14B7C        MOV     AX,[7C4B]

7D4D EA00007000    JMP     FAR PTR 0070:0000   ; Same as jumping to
                                               ; 0000:0700 (start DOS).
; Boot code found required DOS system files...
;     So jump to system initialization code!



; Display Zero-terminated Character String
; (IN)  DS:SI - Pointer to Zero-terminated String

7D52 AC            LODSB
7D53 0AC0          OR      AL,AL
7D55 7429          JZ      7D80           ; -> RETurn from Subroutine.
7D57 B40E          MOV     AH,0E          ; Video Function 0Eh
7D59 BB0700        MOV     BX,0007        ;  Page 0, Mode 7...
7D5C CD10          INT     10             ;  of INT 10. "Tele-
                                          ;  type Output" AL =
                                          ; character to write.

7D5E EBF2          JMP     7D52           ; Loop until done.

; Converts Absolute Sector Number to Track-Side-Sector Tuple
See PT Calculator and Partition Tables for more on CHS (Cylinder-Head-Sector) tuples.
; (IN)  WORD PTR [7C18] - Number of Sectors per Track (SPT) in BPB (0x0F or "15" in this case)
; (IN)  WORD PTR [7C1A] - Number of Sides in BPB ("2" Sides)
; (IN)  DX, AX          - Absolute Sector Number
; (OUT) WORD PTR [7C4D] - Track (Cylinder)
; (OUT) BYTE PTR [7C25] - Side (Head)
; (OUT) BYTE PTR [7C4F] - Sector

7D60 3B16187C      CMP     DX,[7C18]
7D64 7319          JNB     7D7F
7D66 F736187C      DIV     WORD PTR [7C18]  ; Divide AX by SPT (Sectors per Track)
7D6A FEC2          INC     DL               ; Add 1, since sectors count from 1
7D6C 88164F7C      MOV     [7C4F],DL        ; Store remainder in [7C4F] (used as Sector number when calling 7D81)
7D70 33D2          XOR     DX,DX            ; Clear DX
7D72 F7361A7C      DIV     WORD PTR [7C1A]  ; Divide AX by number of Sides/Heads (see 7D66)
7D76 8816257C      MOV     [7C25],DL        ; Store remainder in [7C25] (used as   Side number when calling 7D81)
7D7A A34D7C        MOV     [7C4D],AX        ; Store result    in [7C4D] (used as  Track number when calling 7D81)
7D7D F8            CLC                      ; Clear Carry Flag (CF=0); all OK.
7D7E C3            RET
7D7F F9            STC                      ;   Set Carry Flag (CF=1); returns error state.
7D80 C3            RET

; (IN)  AL - Number of sectors to read = 1
; (IN)  BYTE PTR [7C24] - Physical Drive Number
; (IN)  BYTE PTR [7C25] - Side / Head
; (IN)  WORD PTR [7C4D] - Track
; (IN)  BYTE PTR [7C4F] - Starting Sector

7D81 B402          MOV     AH,02            ; Function 02 of INT 13
7D83 8B164D7C      MOV     DX,[7C4D]        ; Track number
7D87 B106          MOV     CL,06
7D89 D2E6          SHL     DH,CL
7D8B 0A364F7C      OR      DH,[7C4F]        ; Sector number
7D8F 8BCA          MOV     CX,DX
7D91 86E9          XCHG    CH,CL
7D93 8A16247C      MOV     DL,[7C24]        ; Physical drive number
7D97 8A36257C      MOV     DH,[7C25]        ; Side/Head number
7D9B CD13          INT     13

7D9D C3            RET

; Location of Error Message and File Names in Memory
                                                 E  F
7D9E                                            0D 0A                ..
7DA0  4E 6F 6E 2D 53 79 73 74 65 6D 20 64 69 73 6B 20  Non-System disk 
7DB0  6F 72 20 64 69 73 6B 20 65 72 72 6F 72 0D 0A 52  or disk error..R
7DC0  65 70 6C 61 63 65 20 61 6E 64 20 70 72 65 73 73  eplace and press
7DD0  20 61 6E 79 20 6B 65 79 20 77 68 65 6E 20 72 65   any key when re
7DE0  61 64 79 0D 0A 00 49 4F 20 20 20 20 20 20 53 59  ady...IO      SY
7DF0  53 4D 53 44 4F 53 20 20 20 53 59 53 00 00 55 AA  SMSDOS   SYS..U.

       0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F



Updates: 18 December 2007 (18/12/2007); 24 SEP 2011 (24/09/2011); 03 March 2020 (10/03/2020); 02 DEC 2021 (02/12/2021).

Last Update: December 8, 2021 (2021.12.08); revised comments, page formatting and minor corrections.


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