This is Plate Number "12263," taken by an employee of the MWRDGC ("The Sanitary District of Chicago" at that time) on November 3, 1925 of the North 80 feet of Lot # 34. You can easily see the address number on the house was "4212" (just to the right of the door). This was on Highland (or 63rd) Ave and was purchased by the SDC (or Sanitary District) in late December of 1925 (see YELLOW square with 34 on our Lot Number Map here). There was some damage to the negative, but this photo clearly shows it was a fairly decent house with both a basement and an attic; and two power poles are quite visible on either side of the house, along with a garage that was obviously in use at the time. (Note: That's a shed at the back of the property; not their outhouse. The outhouse was somewhere behind the house.) This property is specifically described as the: "North Eighty feet of lot Thirty-four (34) to be purchased from Richard Schoenfeld and Jane Schoenfeld, his wife, the sum of $600.00 to be paid for said lot and $4625.00 for the improvements thereon, consisting of a 4-room frame cottage and garage — a total of $5225." (from page 1451 of the 1925 Proceedings...). |
This photo is used by permission of its copyright holder, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (or MWRDGC) and cannot be displayed anywhere without their official permission. |
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